no real changes this week, ''the wrestler'' charts high, but that was to be expected. this week, theatrically we have "valkyrie", frost/nixon" and "rachel getting married", and i have tickets to previews of "the curious case of benjamin button" and "faintheart" too, so a busy week for sure!
1. pierrot le fou (jean-luc godard)
2. the passenger (michelangelo antonioni)
3. au hasard balthazar (robert bresson)
4. the element of crime (lars von trier)
5. sunrise (f.w murnau)
6. the wrestler (darren aronofsky) *
7. a man escaped (robert bresson)
8. traffic (steven soderbergh)
9. che - part one (steven soderbergh)
*10. pickpocket (robert bresson)
11. milk (gus van sant)
*12. bottle rocket (wes anderson)
13. twelve monkeys (terry gilliam)
14. the outlaw josey wales (clint eastwood)
15. red desert (michelangelo antonioni)
16. mon oncle antoine (claude jutra)
17. che - part two (steven soderbergh)
* 18. shadow of a doubt (alfred hitchcock)
19. unforgiven (clint eastwood)
20. f for fake (orson welles)
21. the brothers bloom (rian johnson)
*22. changeling (clint eastwood)
23. l'argent (robert bresson)
24. lancelot du lac (robert bresson)
25. rear window (alfred hitchcock)
26. the dark knight (christopher nolan)
27. wall-e (andrew stanton)
28. the silence of the lambs (jonathan demme)
29. slumdog millionaire (danny boyle)
*30. the limey (steven soderbergh)
31. blow up (michelangelo antonioni)
32. spellbound (alfred hitchcock)
33. europa (lars von trier)
34. the shop on main street (ján kadár and elmar klos)
35. hellboy - the golden army (guillermo del toro)
36. the adventures of baron munchausen (terry gilliam)
37. lars and the real girl (craig gillespie)
38. out of sight (steven soderbergh)
39. days of heaven (terence malick)
40. la ricotta (pier paolo pasolini)
41. blindness (fernando meirelles)
42. killer's kiss (stanley kubrick)
43. dirty harry (don siegal)
44. mad detective (johnnie to & wai ka fa)
45. the idiot (akira kurosawa)
46. in bruges (martin mcdonough)
47. time bandits (terry gilliam)
48. tideland (terry gilliam)
49. play misty for me (clint eastwood)
50. bigger than life (nicholas ray)
51. bronco billy (clint eastwood)
52. withnail & i (bruce robinson)
53. the terminator (james cameron)
54. the wizard of oz (victor fleming)
55. hancock (peter berg)
56. the day the earth stood still (robert wise)
57. iron man (jon favreau)
58. saboteur (alfred hitchcock)
59. the gauntlet (clint eastwood)
60. breezy (clint eastwood)
61. before the devil knows youre dead (sidney lumet)
62. rope (alfred hitchcock)
63. total recall (paul verhoeven)
64. mallrats (kevin smith)
65. die hard (john mctiernan)
66. magnum force (ted post)
67. casino royale (martin campbell)
68. frenzy (alfred hitchcock)
69. body of lies (ridley scott)
70. solaris (steven soderbergh)
71. the trouble with harry (alfred hitchcock)
72. indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull (steven spielberg)
73. the puffy chair (duplass brothers)
74. "the birds" (alfred hitchcock)
75. i am legend (francis lawrence)
76. space cowboys (clint eastwood)
78. quantum of solace (marc forster)
79. wanted (timur bekmambetov)
80. the reader *
81. the magnificent ambersons (orson welles)
82. speed (jan de bont)
83. australia (baz luhrmann)
84. coogans bluff (don siegal)
85. the enforcer (james fargo)
86. joe kidd (john sturges)
87. spider-man 3 (sam raimi)
88. dear wendy (thomas vinterberg)
89. goldeneye (martin campbell)
90. night watch (timur bekmambetov)
91. judge dredd (danny cannon)
92. strangers on a train (alfred hitchcock)
93. jamaica inn (alfred hitchcock)
94. robocop 3 (fred dekker)
95. robocop 2 (irvin kershner)
95. my bloody valentine (patrick lussier) *
96. a nightmare on elm street 4 (renny harlin)
97. a nightmare on elm street (wes craven)
98. zack and miri make a porno (kevin smith)
99. goldfinger (guy hamilton)
100. a nightmare on elm street 2 (jack sholder)
101. you only live twice (lewis gilbert)
102. mad max - beyond thunderdome (george miller & george ogilvie)
103. die another day (lee tamahori)
104. a nightmare on elm street 3 (chuck russell)
105. a nightmare on elm street 5 (stephen hopkins)
106. a nightmare on elm street 6 (rachel talalay)
107. W. (oliver stone)
* indicates a theatrical release from 2009)