what sounds like a ridiculous idea on paper actually works rather well in practice, in the shape of alfred hitchcock's ''the birds''. when the small town of bodega bay is flooded by a mass of birds, seemingly out for the kill mitch brenner and melanie daniels (rod taylor and "tipi" hedren respectively) must survive the onslaught.
with particular emphasis on the eyes, the most vulnerable spot for a bird attack, hitchcock creates an otherworldly atmosphere, and a contradictory tone that promises light (most of the film takes place outside, during the day) but delivers chills. the innovative electronic score only adds to this.
"the birds" is the first hitchcock film i have watched in a while. having never been a huge fan, i decided the time was right to get a grounding in his work. and while "the birds" impressed, from what i have been told its hardly one of his masterpieces, so i look forward to delving in properly.
This is the first Hitchcock film I ever saw and I was very impressed. It is my favourite horror film as I prefer those which I think could really happen. I am terrified of birds myself and living in a seaside town I have convinced myself that one day the seagulls will turn against the pasty-eating tourists and start pecking their eyes out!