a screening inspired by a bargain discovery in hmv the day after viewing europa.
in terms of the dogme movement, i much prefered thomas vinterberg's ''festen'' (1998) over any of the work of lars von trier, so the combination of perhaps the two most famous dutch filmmakers of the 1990's on ''dear wendy'' sounded like a great idea on paper, and while its an interesting enough film the prevailing message seemed lost and confused by the end of the picture.
basically a comment on gun control and teenage sensibilities (especially in the united states) the film tells the story of a group of misfits living in a small mining town. through the confidence gained from carrying guns the group's confused politics (a gun carrying pacifist) eventually spiral out of control leadig to a confused border-tragic climax.
while not a poor picture per-se, i found ''dear wendy'' to be overwhelming and, yes, the word of the day; confused.
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