the next port of call in my cinematic odyssey is a little known film movement referred to as 'the black wave', a group of films that came out of yugoslavia in the 1960's. as very few titles are available i decided to spread my wings a bit and check out other balkan-based cinema in advance of the black wave, mainly to give myself a contextual reference point, but also out of a genuine interest in seeking out an area of film previously ignored by myself. given that it won the best foreign picture academy award in 1965 i figured that czechoslovakian film 'the shop on main street' would be as good a starting point as any to take a look at this area of film.
having very few preconceptions about the cinema of czechoslovakian cinema of the 1960's i found myelf entering the screening of 'the shop on main street' without knowing what to expect. unlike the cinema of the rest of europe at the time, 'the shop on main street' isnt particularly experimental in terms of visuals or style, although the subject matter is rather political.
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