the first of disney's output that has genuinely been affected by the appointment of john lassiter as head of animation proves a great success. i genuinely believe this to be the best disney film in many a year, in fact i claimed it to be the best since 1970's "the aristocats" (my first theatrical experience fact fans), upon first leaving the screening. the effect is helped greatly by the use of 3D. gone are the traditional 3D gimmicks of spikes coming out of the screen every five minutes, or shards of glass floating in front of the viewers eyes, and in comes a subtle technique adding a layer of depth previously unseen in such a film. it also helps to take the gloss off of the sterile nature of some computer generated animation. the use of 3D really does put that seen in last months ''my bloody valentine 3D'' to shame, and shows how imagination is once again rife at disney.
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