well our predictions werent too bad (although i am aware that beth beat me in best director!). in hindsight sean penn was a much safer bet than expected, with him taking the SAG award and whatnot, but it was still a shock to see roure lose out. i did love penn in ''milk'' though, and if i could be so bold as to quote my own review of the film from january 12th -
for me the oscar race has heated up. i didnt really consider milk to be much of a contender, but after tonight i find it difficult to believe that there has been a better performance this year than that of sean penn as harvey milk.
it would have been great to see rourke take it tho, if not for some academy recognition for aronofsky's "the wrestler".
winslet's win came as no surprise to anyone, although i do think the win being for "the reader" was undeserved when compared to her turn in "revolutionary road". i would have been pleased to see her take it for that, but "the reader" winning just reaks of hollywood politics in action (with the vile harvey weinstein back to his manipulative ways of old).
"slumdog millionaire" winning everything else also proved to be no surprise. im pleased that the film won so much, and the internet backlash is beyond annoying. sure there are films that i would have prefered had beaten it to best picture, but i am still really pleased to see danny boyle's film take home so much praise. the genuine happiness that everyone involved displays is refreshing when compared to the stoic nature usually associated with this sort of thing. "wall-e" really should have taken the sound awards tho.
one final thing, the obituaries were incredibly moving this year, due in no small part to the inclusion of paul newman. the way in which the lights all fell upon his moment, and the quote rang out amongst the auditorium was just perfect.
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