originally i missed gomorrah theatrically, due to a summer in paris, alas i was looking forward highly to catching up with the film on dvd. matteo garrone's insight into one of the worlds 'silent' mafia's proved a great watch, if a little more inaccessible than originally expected (not that thats a negative thing, im just a little surprised that the film received such high crossover appeal). the film consists of several intertwining stories, each of which revolve around a different aspect of the camorra, the naples organised crime group. the story of two young upstarts is the most immediate and forthcoming, and i can understand just why their visages adorned the marketing campaign, yet for me the story of the haute couture tailor turned truck driver proved to be the most memorable segment, and the one that stuck with me greatest afterwards.
considering the nature of the story, ''gamorrah'' is a staggering achievement. the way in which, alongside the source material book, ''gamorrah'' single handedly managed to bring to light a previously little known crime bracket is interesting to, as prior to this films exposure i had never actually heard of the camorra. the title itself is an interesting commodity, with it being a biblical take on the name of the camorra. comparisons between naples and gomorrah may be a little brash, but understable all the same.
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